100+ Aptitude Clock Problems with Solutions Pdf - 1

Question: 1

A watch which gains uniformly is 2 minutes low at noon on Monday and is 4 min. 48 sec fast at 2 p.m. on the following Monday. When was it correct?

(A) 2 p.m. on Tuesday

(B) 2 p.m. on Wednesday

(C) 3 p.m. on Thursday

(D) 1 p.m. on Friday

Ans: B

Time from 12 p.m. on Monday to 2 p.m. on the following Monday = 7 days 2 hours = 170 hours.

∴ The watch gains $$(2 + 4 × {4}/{5})$$min. or $${34}/{5}$$ min. in 170 hrs.

Now, $${34}/{5}$$ min, are gained in 170 hrs.

∴, 2 min. are gained in $$(170 × {5}/{34} × 2)$$ hrs = 50 hrs.

∴, Watch is correct 2 days 2 hrs. after 12 pm. on Monday i.e., it will be correct at 2 p.m. on Wednesday.

Question: 2

The angle between the minute hour and the hour hand of a clock when the time is 8.30, is

(A) 60°

(B) 70°

(C) 75°

(D) 80°

Ans: C

Angle traced by hour hand in 17/2 hrs = $$({360}/{12} × {17}/{2})$$° = 255.

Angle traced by min. hand in 30 min. = $$({360}/{60} × 30)$$° = 180.

∴ Required angle = (255 - 180)° = 75°

Question: 3

The angle between the minute hour and the hour hand of a clock when the time is 4.20, is

(A) 0°

(B) 5°

(C) 10°

(D) 20°

Ans: C

Angle traced by hour hand in $${13}/{3}$$ hrs = $$({360}/{12} × {13}/{3})$$° = 130°

Angle traced by min. hand in 20 min. = $$({360}/{60} × 20)$$° = 120°

∴ Required angle = (130 - 120)° = 10°.

Question: 4

The reflex angle between the hands of a clock at 10.25 is

(A) 180°

(B) 195°

(C) 197°

(D) $$197 {1}/{2}$$°

Ans: D

Angle traced by hour hand in $${125}/{12}$$ hrs =$$({360} /{12} × {125}/{12})$$ = $$312{1}/{2}$$°

Angle traced by minute hand in 25 min =$$({360} /{60} × 25°)$$ = 150°

∴ Reflex angle = 360° - $$(312{1}/{2} – 150)$$°

= 360° - $$162{1}/{2}$$° = $$197{1}/{2}$$°

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