Sentence Completion Online Test for Competitive Exams - 1

Question: 1

In a world _____ by men for so many years, women are only thought ____ for jobs like typists, receptionists and teachers.

(A) dominated, competent

(B) created, suitable

(C) governed, qualified

(D) controlled, eligible

Ans: A

dominated, competent

Question: 2

The increasing revival of dramatic classics is, to one critic, _____ ; it seems to him a sign of the _____ of the modern theatre.

(A) astounding, vitality

(B) auspicious, resurgence

(C) deplorable, anaemia

(D) incomprehensible, paradox

Ans: C

deplorable, anaemia

Question: 3

We can _____ to travel by air, but we ____ train journey.

(A) aspire, commute

(B) afford, prefer

(C) plan, enjoy

(D) decide, undertook

Ans: B

afford, prefer

Question: 4

The construction of the hall has been _____ because of the ____ of cement in the market.

(A) prevented, supply

(B) hampered, shortage

(C) denied, restrictions

(D) held, non-availablity

Ans: B

hampered, shortage

Question: 5

The counter clerk was very busy and _____ not pay _____ to Sunder's request.

(A) did, attention

(B) can, help

(C) had, cash

(D) could, respect

Ans: A

did, attention

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