1000+ Mathematics Aptitude Test Questions and Answers Pdf - 1

Question: 1

What is the number just more than 5000 which is exactly divisible by 73?

(A) 5001

(B) 5027

(C) 5037

(D) 5047

Ans: C

Dividing 5000 by 73, the remainder is 36, The number greater than 5000 is obtained by adding to 5000 the difference of divisor and the remainder.

∴ The required number = 5000 + (73 - 36) = 5037.

Question: 2

The sum of squares of two numbers is 68 and the square of their difference is 36. The product of the two numbers is

(A) 10

(B) 16

(C) 32

(D) 108

Ans: B

Let the numbers be a and b.

Then a2 + b2 = 68 and (a - b)2 = 36

Now, (a - b)2 = 36

⇒ a2 + b2 - 2ab = 36

⇒ 68 - 2ab = 36

⇒ 2ab = 32 ⇒ ab = 16.

Question: 3

Which one of the following numbers is divisible by 25?

(A) 22040

(B) 303310

(C) 373355

(D) 303375

Ans: D

$${303375} /{25}$$ = $${303375 × 4} / {25 × 4}$$ = $${2113500} / {100}$$ = 12135.

On multiplying other numbers by 4, the digits at units and tens places will not be zero.

Question: 4

The difference between a two digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the two digits of the number is 9. What is the difference between the two digit of the number?

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) cannot be determined

Ans: A

10x + y - 10y - x = 9

⇒ 9(x - y) = 9

⇒ x - y = 1.

Question: 5

4767 exactly divides ***341, the missing digits are

(A) 363

(B) 468

(C) 586

(D) 701

Ans: C

Last digit of dividend = 1

Last digit of divisor = 7

∴ Last digit of quotient should be 3

4767 × 3 = 14301

4767 × 20 = 95340

4767 × 100 = 476700

∴ 4767 × (3 + 20 + 100) = 586341

Missing digits are 586.

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