10+ Comprehension Passage Questions & Answers for Bank Exams - 1

Question: 1

Books are, by far, the most lasting product of human effort. Temples crumble into ruin, pictures and statues decay, but books survive. Time does not destroy the great thoughts which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author's mind. These thoughts speak to us through the printed page. The only effect of time has been to throw out of currency the bad products. Nothing in literature which is not good can live for long. Good books have always helped man in various spheres of life. No wonder that the world keeps its books with great care.
Of the products of human effort, books are the most

(A) important

(B) permanent

(C) enjoyable

(D) useful

Ans: B


Question: 2

Time does not destroy books because they contain

(A) subject matter for education

(B) useful material

(C) high ideals

(D) great ideas

Ans: D

great ideas

Question: 3

"To throw out of currency" means

(A) put out of use

(B) extinguish

(C) forget

(D) destroy

Ans: A

put out of use

Question: 4

The world keeps its books with care because

(A) they educate us

(B) they bring great ideas to us

(C) they help us in various spheres of life

(D) they make us successful

Ans: C

they help us in various spheres of life

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