Bank Exams Computer Awareness Questions and Answers - 3

Question: 11

Data representation is based on the _____ number system, which uses two numbers to represent all data.

(A) byte

(B) bicentennial

(C) biometric

(D) binary

Ans: D


Question: 12

Which of the following is a popular programming language for developing multimedia web pages, websites and web based applications?

(A) Assembler



(D) Java

Ans: D


Question: 13

Which is not an integral part of computer?

(A) Monitor


(C) Mouse


Ans: B


Question: 14

What is the function of a modem?

(A) Serve as a hardware antivirus

(B) Converts analog signals to digitals and vice versa

(C) Converts data to voice

(D) Encryption and decryption

Ans: B

Converts analog signals to digitals and vice versa

Question: 15

A computer's hard disk is

(A) an arithmetic and logical unit

(B) computer software

(C) computer hardware

(D) operating system

Ans: C

computer hardware

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