Number Coding & Decoding Questions for Bank Exams - 1

Question: 1

In a certain code language, "381" means "Hari is honest"; "162" means "Shashi is intelligent" and "948" means "Hari should go". Which digit in that language means "honest"?

(A) 1

(B) 3

(C) 7

(D) 9

Ans: B

In the first and second statements, the common code digit is "1" and the common word is "is". So, "1" means "is".
In the first and third statements, the common code digit is "8" and the common word is "Hari". So, "8" stands for "Hari."
Thus, in the first statement, "3" means "honest".

Question: 2

In a certain code, '256' means 'you are good'; '637' means 'we are bad' and '358' means 'good and bad'. Which of the following represents 'and' in that code?

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 5

(D) 8

Ans: D

In the first and third statements, the common code digit is '5' and the common word is 'good'. So,'5' means 'good'.
In the second and third statements, the common code digit is '3' and the common word is 'bad'. So, '3' means 'bad'.
Thus, in the third statement, '8' means 'and'.

Question: 3

In a certain code language, '134' means 'good and tasty'; '478' means 'see good pictures' and '729' means 'pictures are faint'. Which of the following digits stands for 'see'?

(A) 9

(B) 8

(C) 5

(D) 1

Ans: B

In the first and second statements, the common code digit is '4' and the common world is 'good'. So, '4' stands for 'good'.
In the second and third statements, the common code digit is '7' and the common word is 'pictures'. So, '7' means 'picture'.
Thus, in the second statement, '8' means 'see'.

Question: 4

In a certain code language, '479' means 'fruit is sweet'; '248' means 'very sweet voice' and '637' means 'eat fruit daily'. Which digit stands for 'is' in that code?

(A) 9

(B) 7

(C) 4

(D) 2

Ans: A

In the first and second statements, the common code digit is '4' and the common word is 'sweet'. So, '4' means 'sweet'.
In the first and third statements, the common code digit is '7' and the common word is 'fruit'. So, '7' means 'fruit'.
Thus, in the first statement, '9' means 'is'.

Question: 5

In a certain code language, '851' means 'good sweet fruit'; '783' means 'good red rose' and '341' means 'rose and fruit'. Which of the following digits stands for 'sweet' in that language?

(A) 1

(B) 3

(C) 5

(D) 8

Ans: C

In the first and second statements, the common code digit is '8' and the common word is 'good'. So, '8' means 'good'.
In the first and third statements, the common code digit is '1' and the common word is 'fruit'. So, '1' means 'fruit'.
Thus, in the first statement, '5' means 'sweet'.

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