Top 151+ Computer Communication and Networking Quiz 2020-2021 - 3

Question: 11

Each page on the internet is called a ____


(B) Web

(C) Webpage

(D) Host

Ans: C


Question: 12

____ indicates the link to other sites.

(A) Hypermedia

(B) Hyperweb

(C) Hyperlink

(D) Hypertext

Ans: C


Question: 13

____ applications are well suited to control data storage activity on different storage systems.

(A) Server

(B) Stand alone

(C) Network

(D) All the above

Ans: C


Question: 14

The speed at which data travel over a communication channel is called the ____

(A) Buard rate

(B) Communal

(C) Communication rate

(D) Communicate

Ans: C

Communication rate

Question: 15

Which is used for manufacturing chips?

(A) Semiconductors

(B) Bus

(C) Control unit

(D) (b) and (c) only

Ans: A


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