Database MCQ Online Test Questions and Answers - 1

Question: 1

Which is defined by its characteristics attributes and procedures?

(A) File

(B) Object

(C) Record

(D) Form

Ans: B


Question: 2

SQL is an acronym for

(A) Sorted Query Language

(B) Structured Quick Launch

(C) Structured Quick Language

(D) Structured Query Language

Ans: D

Structured Query Language

Question: 3

The process used to select a desired and specific data from a database is

(A) Searching

(B) Sorting

(C) Filtering

(D) Merging

Ans: A


Question: 4

Which of the following data types can be integer, float,double precision, data etc?

(A) Numeric

(B) Enumerated

(C) Primitive

(D) User defined

Ans: A


Question: 5

The window used to specify the fields and the conditions on which the query should be based is

(A) Sort Order Window

(B) Filtering Window

(C) Field Selection Window

(D) Autopilot Query Window

Ans: B

Filtering Window

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