Computer Science Multiple Choice Questions with Answers Pdf - 1

Question: 1

The ___ was built by Charles Babbage.

(A) Analytical Engine

(B) Abacus

(C) Difference Engine

(D) Calculator

Ans: C

Difference Engine

Question: 2

___ is a high speed memory that is much faster than the main memory?

(A) Internal

(B) External

(C) Cache

(D) Primary

Ans: C


Question: 3

The main memory holds data and program

(A) Temporarily

(B) Permanently

(C) Only once

(D) None

Ans: A


Question: 4

The most common input device is the ___

(A) Light pen

(B) Keyboard

(C) Monitor

(D) Mouse

Ans: B


Question: 5

An assembler is a

(A) Language

(B) Symbol

(C) Program

(D) Person who assemble the parts

Ans: C


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