Top 10,000+ Computer Quiz for Competitive Exams - 2

Question: 6

The tag used to create row and column heading in a table is

(A) < TH >

(B) < TD >

(C) < TR >

(D) < COLUMN >

Ans: A

< TH >

Question: 7

Tint is the colour combination of

(A) Hue + red

(B) Hue + black

(C) Hue + white

(D) Hue + grey

Ans: C

Hue + white

Question: 8

With the help of which tag does the body of a HTML document end?

(A) <BODY >

(B) <TITLE >

(C) </HEAD >

(D) </BODY >

Ans: D

</BODY >

Question: 9

Which attribute of the <meta> tag identifies the URL of the web page?

(A) Meta

(B) Url

(C) http-equiv

(D) Name

Ans: B


Question: 10

The end tag of the paragraph tag is

(A) < /p >

(B) < /u >

(C) < p >

(D) < /i >

Ans: A

< /p >

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