Top 10,000+ Computer Memory Multiple Choice Questions and Answers - 1

Question: 1

Capacity of hard disk is measured in

(A) Gigabytes

(B) Megabytes

(C) Kilobytes

(D) Bytes

Ans: A


Question: 2

Which of the following memory is capable of operating at electronics speed?

(A) Magnetic tapes

(B) Magnetic drums

(C) Semiconductor memory

(D) Magnetic disks

Ans: C

Semiconductor memory

Question: 3

Which of the following describes the characteristics of SRAM?

(A) Based on combination of transistor and capacitor

(B) Less consumption of power

(C) More clear and more consumption of power

(D) Cheap but slow

Ans: C

More clear and more consumption of power

Question: 4

A gigabyte is equal to

(A) 1024 bytes

(B) 1024 megabytes

(C) Million megabytes

(D) Thousand kilobytes

Ans: B

1024 megabytes

Question: 5

Storage that retains its data after the power is turned off is referred to as

(A) Direct storage

(B) Sequential storage

(C) Volatile storage

(D) Non-volatile storage

Ans: D

Non-volatile storage

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