Top 50+ System CPU Performance MCQs Quiz Questions & Answers - 2

Question: 6

A major security problem for operating system is

(A) Human problem

(B) Authentication problem

(C) Physical problem

(D) None of these

Ans: B

Authentication problem

Question: 7

Supervisor state is

(A) Only allowed to the operating system

(B) Never used

(C) Required to perform any I/O

(D) Entered by programs when they enter the processor

Ans: A

Only allowed to the operating system

Question: 8

Worm was made up of

(A) One programs

(B) Two programs

(C) Three programs

(D) All of these

Ans: D

All of these

Question: 9

Physical level

(A) computer systems must be physically secured against armed or surreptitious entry by intruders

(B) users must be screened carefully so that the chance of authorizing a user who then gives access to an intruder

(C) both (a) and (b)

(D) none of these

Ans: C

both (a) and (b)

Question: 10

Threat monitoring technique is

(A) A time sharing system that counts the number of incorrect passwords given

(B) The system can check for suspicious patterns of activity in an attempt to detect a security violation

(C) Both (a) and (b)

(D) None of these

Ans: B

The system can check for suspicious patterns of activity in an attempt to detect a security violation

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