Computer Technology Quiz - 1

Question: 1

Which of the following is not a common feature of software applications?

(A) Search

(B) Help

(C) Windows

(D) Menus

Ans: C


Question: 2

Which of the following is not a binary number?

(A) 001

(B) 101

(C) 110

(D) 202

Ans: D


Question: 3

Each location in a memory has a unique number called its ____ address.

(A) Bus

(B) Local

(C) Register

(D) Memory

Ans: D


Question: 4

The memory closest to the processor is known as

(A) Cache

(B) Internal

(C) External

(D) Primary

Ans: A


Question: 5

Linux is a type of software.

(A) Proprietary

(B) Open source

(C) Commercial

(D) Shareware

Ans: B

Open source

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