1000+ Artificial Intelligence MCQ Question Bank with Answers Pdf - 1

Question: 1

What is the name of the computer program that simulates the thought processing of human beings?

(A) Personal information

(B) Expert system

(C) Expert reason

(D) Human logic

Ans: B

Expert system

Question: 2

An AI technique that allows computers to understand associations and relationships between objects and events is called

(A) Cognitive science

(B) Relative symbolism

(C) Heuristic processing

(D) Pattern matching

Ans: D

Pattern matching

Question: 3

In AI programming, a list may contain

(A) Pointers

(B) Cells

(C) Fields

(D) All of the above

Ans: D

All of the above

Question: 4

What of the following is considered to be a pivotal event in the history of AI.

(A) 1961, Computer and computer Sense

(B) 1956, Dartmouth University Conference Organized by John McCarthy

(C) 1950, Computing Machinery and Intelligence

(D) 1949, Donald O, The organization of Behaviour

Ans: B

1956, Dartmouth University Conference Organized by John McCarthy

Question: 5

Texas Instruments Incorporated produces a low cost LISP machine called

(A) The Personal Consultant

(B) The Computer Based Consultant

(C) The Explorer

(D) None of the above

Ans: C

The Explorer

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