1000+ Materials of Construction Multiple Choice Questions - 2

Question: 6

Purest form of iron is

(A) steel

(B) wrought iron

(C) cast iron

(D) pig iron

Ans: B

wrought iron

Question: 7

Siliceous sand subjected to metamorphic action is known as

(A) dolomite

(B) murram

(C) laterite

(D) quartzite

Ans: D


Question: 8

Solidification of molten magma within the earth’s crust results in the formation of

(A) granite

(B) metamorphic rock

(C) sedimentary rock

(D) basalt and trap

Ans: A


Question: 9

Zinc is

(A) a metal

(B) an alloy of copper and chrome

(C) an alloy of aluminium and chrome

(D) an alloy of aluminium and copper

Ans: A

a metal

Question: 10

The commonly used lime for whitewashing is

(A) quicklime

(B) fat lime

(C) lean lime

(D) hydraulic lime

Ans: B

fat lime

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