1000+ Mechanisms and Machines Questions and Answers Pdf - 1

Question: 1

The time for complete oscillation of a simple pendulum when its amplitude is increased will

(A) may increase or decrease depending on length

(B) increase

(C) decrease

(D) remains same

Ans: D

remains same

Question: 2

The interference or undercutting in involute gears can be avoided by

(A) increasing the addendum of small wheel and reducing it for the larger wheel

(B) varying the centre distance by changing pressure angle

(C) using modified involute or composite system

(D) any of the above

Ans: D

any of the above

Question: 3

Centrifugal type governor is preferred to the inertia type governor because

(A) latter is highly sensitive type

(B) latter results in difficulties of balancing inertia forces

(C) former has low initial cost

(D) former consumes no power

Ans: B

latter results in difficulties of balancing inertia forces

Question: 4

Inertia force acts

(A) in any direction w.r.t. accelerating force depending on the magnitude of two

(B) opposite to the direction of accelerating force

(C) along the direction of accelerating force

(D) perpendicular to the accelerating force

Ans: B

opposite to the direction of accelerating force

Question: 5

Crowning on pulleys helps

(A) increase belt and pulley life

(B) for automatic adjustment of belt position so that belt runs centrally

(C) in decreasing the slip of the belt

(D) in increasing velocity ratio

Ans: B

for automatic adjustment of belt position so that belt runs centrally

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