1000+ Mechanical Engineering Question Papers for Competitive Exams - 1

Question: 1

Increase in number of rows of rivets results in

(A) increase/decrease of efficiency of joint dependent upon number of the rivets used

(B) no change in efficiency of joint

(C) increase in efficiency of joint

(D) decrease in efficiency of joint

Ans: A

increase/decrease of efficiency of joint dependent upon number of the rivets used

Question: 2

A structure made up of several bars, joined together is known as

(A) tie

(B) strut

(C) frame

(D) beam

Ans: C


Question: 3

A continuous beam is one which is

(A) supported at one point

(B) supported at more than two supports

(C) infinitely long

(D) supported at two places

Ans: B

supported at more than two supports

Question: 4

The stress at the boundary of the kern is

(A) maximum

(B) minimum

(C) any value

(D) zero

Ans: D


Question: 5

Auto frettage is the method of

(A) increasing life of thick cylinders

(B) prestressing thick cylinders

(C) calculating stresses in thick cylinders

(D) relieving thick cylinders

Ans: B

prestressing thick cylinders

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