Free general english Online Test - MeritNotes

No. of Questions :10
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1. You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. The Bible, (P) has in many respects (Q) the sacred book of all Christians (R) among all the books of the world (S) a unique character and position
  • (a) 
  • (b) 
  • (c) 
  • (d) 

2. You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence.(P) A malignant tumor, or cancer,(Q) the lymph system and nerves (R) including blood vessels,(S) is capable of invading surrounding structures
  • (a) 
  • (b) 
  • (c) 
  • (d) 

3. You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. (P) biodiversity, and change in climatic pattern thus(Q) Man through his tools(R) leading to environmental degradation (S) has caused depletion of
  • (a) 
  • (b) 
  • (c) 
  • (d) 

4. You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. (P) development is necessary for a better future (Q) Conservationists have the view that (R) in ways that are not wasteful (S) but only when the changes occur
  • (a) 
  • (b) 
  • (c) 
  • (d) 

5. You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence.(P) at stake then best way (Q) to create awareness of product among potential customers (R) to ensure business supremacy is (S) When the pride of brand name is
  • (a) 
  • (b) 
  • (c) 
  • (d) 

6. You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence.(P) over all courts(Q) power of superintendence (R) Each High Court has (S) within its jurisdiction
  • (a) 
  • (b) 
  • (c) 
  • (d) 

7. You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. To much of the world. (P) which produces radio and television (Q) it is science (R) by airplanes and satellites (S) and which conquers space
  • (a) 
  • (b) 
  • (c) 
  • (d) 

8. You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. They tell us (P) in some places (Q) there must have been (R) that when the great glaciers of the Ice Age melted (S) vast steppes or wide treeless plains
  • (a) 
  • (b) 
  • (c) 
  • (d) 

9. You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. Georgian loyalists and rebel forces (P) after a week of fighting (Q) agreed to (R) a ceasefire today (S) in which 51 people were killed
  • (a) 
  • (b) 
  • (c) 
  • (d) 

10. You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. (P) through the long, hot summer (Q) if you plan to train hard (R) continually (S) you will need to acclimatise yourself
  • (a) 
  • (b) 
  • (c) 
  • (d)