Indian Culture Art, Architecture, Literature UPSC Questions - 1

Question: 1

Write about the sculptures at Dharasuram temple?

i. Stone and metal sculptures are found in plenty in Chola temples. Realism dominated sculpture of the Chola period.

ii. Rajaraja Gambhira Thirumandapa of Dharasuram temple is built as to stimulate a chariot on wheels drawn by elephants.

iii. The temple also consists of most interstring sculptures, depicting stories from Periapuranam.

Question: 2

Write a note on sculptures found in Chola temples?

i. Stone and metal sculptures are found in plenty in Chola temples.

ii. They depict the socio religious ideas of the Chola period.

iii. The Nataraja sculpture is world famous not only for its beauty but also for its spiritual meaning.

iv. Vishnu idols are placed in Vishnu temples.

v. A spiritual calmness is depicted in sculpture representation of Alwars.

vi. The Cholas made use of sculpture to decorate the walls, pillars and roofs.

Question: 3

What are the impacts of the development of literature, art and architecture of the Chola period?

i. The development of literature, art and architecture promoted the cultural value of the Chola rule.

ii. The temples built by the Cholas increased the value of the bakthi culture of Tamil country.

iii. The development of literature, art and architecture evoked a profound impact on the cultural development of the Tamil country.

Question: 4

Write names of the scholars of Chola period?






Thirutakkadevar and


were the scholars of Chola period.

Question: 5

What are the cultural monuments of the Cholas?

Brahadeeswarar Temple at Tanjore and temple at Gangainkonda Cholapuram are cultural monuments of the Cholas.

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