Top 100+ Biodiversity Questions and Answers Pdf - 2

Question: 6

Write about unicellular digestion?

In unicellular organisms like Amoeba and Parameasium, the food is ingested by means of pseudopodia and digested in food vacuolos by enzymes.

The digested food is absorbed by diffusion.

This type of digestion is known as unicellular digestion.

Question: 7

What are the two types of reproduction in paramecium?

Asexual reproduction by binary fission

Sexual reproduction by conjugation.

Question: 8

What are sporangia?

Sporangia are sac like structures inside which sporangiospores are produced.

Question: 9

Mention beneficial activities of bacteria?

Bacteria play an important role in the field of fibre industry, food and dairy industry, and in the field of medicine.

Bacteria increases soil fertility.

They are used in curing of tea and tobacco.

Question: 10

Define white revolution?

Increasing the quantity of milk and milk products constitute white revolution.

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