Top 150+ Botany General Knowlegde (GK) Questions and Answers - 2

Question: 6

Which one of the following is an enzyme?

(A) Vasopressin

(B) Trypsin

(C) Keratin

(D) Gastrin

Ans: B


Question: 7

Which of the following is a fresh water sponge?

(A) Pleurobrachia

(B) Spongilla

(C) Euspongia

(D) Sycon

Ans: B


Question: 8

ICBN stands for

(A) International Code of Botanical Nomenclature

(B) Indian code of Botanical Nomenclature

(C) International Council for Botanical Nature

(D) None of the above

Ans: A

International Code of Botanical Nomenclature

Question: 9

Which one of the following is considered as a cell within a cell?

(A) Golgi complex

(B) Lysosome

(C) Chloroplast

(D) Ribosome

Ans: C


Question: 10

Carbohydrates are stored in plants in and animals in the form of

(A) Cellulose and glycogen respectively

(B) Starch and glucose respectively

(C) Starch and glycogen respectively

(D) Cellulose and glucose respectively

Ans: C

Starch and glycogen respectively

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