1000+ Botany MCQ Questions and Answers Pdf - 1

Question: 1

Branch of biology which deals with the study of heredity and variation

(A) Evolution

(B) Histology

(C) Cytology

(D) Genetics

Ans: D


Question: 2

Study of external structure and their form is called

(A) Anatomy

(B) Ecotogy

(C) Phycology

(D) Morphology

Ans: D


Question: 3

Who is known as father of biology?

(A) Purkenja

(B) Lamark

(C) Darwin

(D) Aristotle

Ans: D


Question: 4

Branch of biology which deals with the study of identification, nomenclature and classification of organism is

(A) Toxicology

(B) Taxonomy

(C) Ecology

(D) Exobiology

Ans: B


Question: 5

Who is known as father as Zoology?

(A) Aristotle

(B) Darwin

(C) Lamark

(D) Theophrastus

Ans: A


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