100+ Glaciers, Himalayas Gk, Quiz, MCQ Questions and Answers - 2

Question: 6

Explain ground moraine?

A large quantity of till is deposited as the ice melts away, creating a rock strewn, undulating plain. This rolling layer of till laid down as the ice front recedes is termed as ground Moraine.

Question: 7

How are cirques formed?

At the head of a valley, the glacier erode the sides of the mountain and the bottom of the glaciers by frost wedging and plucking. This action produces arm chair like depression called cirque.

Question: 8

Describe in brief about abration?

As the ice and its load of rock fragments slide over bedrock, they function as a kind of sand paper to smooth and polish the surface below. This process is called abration. The rock surfaces over which the glacier moves may also become highly polished by ice and its load of finer particles.

Question: 9

Differentiate between the warm and cold current?

Warm currents move polewards, and cold currents move equator ward. Flowing from the equator to high latitudes are the western boundary currents. These currents are warm currents.

Flowing from high latitudes to the equator are the Eastern Boundary currents. These are called cold water currents.

Question: 10

Mention the natural barrier for winds?

On land surface, the hills, mountain, plateau and plains act as natural barriers. Such barriers do not exist on the water surface. Hence the wind is steady and overseas and oceans.

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