100+ Gk Questions on Health and Hygiene - 2

Question: 6

Name the fat soluble vitamins?

Vitamin A, D, E and K are fat soluble Vitamins.

Question: 7

Write some important sources of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D can be formed in our body by the action of sunlight on fat under the skin. Some important sources of Vitamin D are Fish, Liver Oil, Milk and meat.

Question: 8

What is the importance of exercise?

Exercise will clean out the lungs and improve our sense of well being.

Children when they play sweat out the wastes from the blood and they feel fresh.

Question: 9

Mention some of the water borne disease?

Cholera, dysentery, typhoid, Jaundice, Polio etc.

Question: 10

Define the term immunity?

The development of specific resistance to infection is called immunity.

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