Physics Objective Type Questions and Answers - 2

Question: 6

The blackboard seems black because it

(A) does not reflect any colour

(B) absorbs black colour

(C) reflects every colour

(D) reflects black colour

Ans: A

does not reflect any colour

Question: 7

The mass energy relation is the conclusion of

(A) general theory of relativity

(B) quantum theory

(C) arial theory of energy

(D) special theory of relativity

Ans: D

special theory of relativity

Question: 8

Sound travels faster in

(A) Hydrogen than in water

(B) Iron than in air

(C) Wood than an iron

(D) Dry iron than in water

Ans: B

Iron than in air

Question: 9

Which of the following wavelengths will suffer maximum deviation while passing through a prism?

(A) Orange

(B) Red

(C) Green

(D) Violet

Ans: D


Question: 10

Two satellites are moving in the same circular orbit around the earth. Which one of the following is correct?

(A) The satellites must have the same mass

(B) The satellites must have the same angular momentum

(C) The satellites must have the same speed

(D) The satellites must have the same kinetic energy

Ans: B

The satellites must have the same angular momentum

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