100+ Rocks and Minerals Questions and Answers Pdf - 1

Question: 1

What are the three kinds of rocks?

Rocks can be classified into three types based on their formation. They are


Sedimentary and


Question: 2

Where is basalt found?

Basalt occurs on volcanic islands and makes up a large part of the oceanic crust, including mid ocean ridges. It is also found on continents.

Question: 3

What are the different forms of sedimentary rock?

One of the commonest sedimentary rock is sandstone. It consists of cemented sand. Shale is cemented mud slit or clay. Conglomerate is a coarse rock made up of pebbles and even boulders. Limestone is a rock made up of shells and skeletal materials. Coal is a sediment rock of plant origin.

Question: 4

What are the uses of rocks?

Rocks and minerals are useful in a number of ways. Builders use granite, marble and other rocks in construction work. Cement made from limestone and other rocks serves to bind crushed stone into strong, long – lasting concrete for buildings, dams and highways.

Metals such as aluminium, iron, lead and tin come from rocks called ores. Ore deposits may be close to the earth’s surface, or deep under grounds.

Some rocks contain valuable non metallic minerals such as borax and graphite. All gems, except amber, coral and pearl, come from rocks.

Question: 5

Define shale, conglomerate and limestone?

Shale is cemented mud, silt or clay.

Conglomerate is a coarse rock made up of pebbles and even boulders.

Limestone is a rock made up of the shells and skeletal materials of lime – secreting plant and animals.

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