1000+ GD Topics with Answers Pdf

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It was because of the knowledge of great influence of parents on their children that the Hindus classified society into four varnas or castes so that a child could learn the profession of his parents at home since early childhood and have mastery over it.

We have heard the saying, what is in the pot comes out in the ladle. This applies to children as well, for they normally exhibit only those qualities or characteristics which are in their parents, whether partially or wholly.

There is an old saying, “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”. All men of the world are deeply influenced by their mother who has nurtured them on their milk.

It is through mother’s milk that all the qualities are transmitted to the children. Hence in a child’s destiny, inheritance plays a vital role.

Good and understanding parents exercise healthy influence on their children while those used to quarrelling and abusing each other have mostly spoilt brats. One cannot escape the strong psychological effects of early training and upbringing for old habits die hard.


A boy can get away from parents or teachers, but there can be no escaping from friends who always remain in our thoughts. Being our nearest and dearest ones they naturally mould our character, conduct and career.

Man being a social animal, he cannot live an isolated life of Robinson Crusoe in the ocean of society and therefore, he must be influenced by those around him.

More than half of a boy’s times is in the company of his friends which means that whatever he learns from parents or teachers can be easily overridden because he learns more from his association with his friends than from anywhere else.

Since a friend in needs a friend, indeed, parents must see to it that their wards do not make a wrong choice of friends who might ditch them in time of hardship. Only those should be selected as friends who are ever prepared to keep us company through thick and thin to keep us out of troubles and tribulations.

The very concept of friendship means that a friend should have a healthy influence on a boy’s life.

We cannot choose our parents, and they choose our teachers. Hence, our love and respect for them both is perfunctory in nature. But in the case of our friends, we consciously choose them because of their qualities, or our love for them, or both.

The reason why friends influence a boy’s character most is that they belong to the same age group as him. This enables a boy to discuss his intimate problems with them and follow their advice given on an equal footing.

On the contrary, in the case of parents and teachers, a boy finds a great difference of age between himself and them.


A student copies and emulates his teachers, and their influence remains on him all his life.

Students educated in missionary colleges or gurukulas are religious minded even if their parents are atheists. If drunkards, gamblers or cheats occupy a teacher’s seat, they are sure to turn their students like them. The reason why our students are becoming corrupt and dishonest is that their teachers are like that only. Hence, it is held that if you have a good teacher half the battle is won.

In the epic age we had great teachers like Vashistha, Vishwamitra, Dronocharya and Sandipani, and the like who equipped their pupils both mentally and morally.

But today, professors in schools and colleges, we witness all round deterioration in moral values in our youth.

Education can accomplish a lot provided there are capable teachers. Mark Twain Says “A cauliflower is a cabbage with college education.” Therefore, even poor, helpless and not so intelligent boys rise to great heights in their careers if guided by competent teachers.

The credit for building a nation goes to teachers. In modern times, they are more important than either friends or parents since a boy learns much from his teachers.

The parental defects of over affection and easy goingness of friends is not seen with the teacher. Rather they rectify them through training and education and make a boy process good qualities and develop his potentialities.

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