1000+ GD Topics Interview Questions with Answers

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Bribe – Giver:

The corrupt practice of bribery is possible because there is someone who is ready to pay money for illegal or dishonest action or decision in his favour.

A bribe giver is generally moneyed and influential, while, on the other hand, one who demands bribe does so because of his poor circumstances and compulsions. Hence, one who gives bribe should be awarded more severe punishment because he exploits the weakness of the poor people.

Money giving and taking is a vicious circle which can continue only because of money. Naturally, therefore, it is the affluent who grease this wheel of corruption and should accordingly be dealt with firmly and suitably punished to put a stop to this nefarious practice.

 Bribe taker:

In ancient India, it was regarded a sin to take what was not due to one. It was possible because of high moral education prevalent at that time that discouraged bribe takers.

Our moral character has dipped so low that public servants do not do the job of one who has some official work with them unless they are payed some extra or unauthorised money.

This leaves that man with no choice but to cough up the demanded amount so as to get his work done. Hence, it is the bribe taker who should be punished more severely than the bribe giver.

Temptation of easy money can be got rid of only if we educate people to rise above them. Bribery is one such temptation and begins with the bribe taker. Hence, it is he who should be dissuaded from it.

It is one who demands bribe is more responsible for encouraging this evil institution of bribery, for who would give bribe, if there were no bribe takers. Hence the bribe takers deserve more severe punishments.

The root cause of bribe taking being low salaries and emoluments of employees, we should first enhance them and then talk of punishing them if they still demand bribe. Moreover, the discretionary power granted to higher officials should be subject to scruting by proper authorities from time to time.

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