150+ Data Structure Interview Questions and Answers in C# - 1

Question: 1

What is an exchange sort?

It is a family of internal sort algorithms in which pairs of key values are compared and exchanged if they are not in proper relative positions.

Question: 2

What is a postfix notation?

It is a method of representing an arithmetic expression whereby a binary operator appears after its operands. Also known a reverse-polish notation.

Question: 3

What is sort key?

It is a field (elementary or group item) whose value is used to order records of a collection.

Question: 4

What is a block multiplexer channel?

It is a channel that can execute one instruction of the channel program for one device, and then switch to perform an instruction for another device’s channels program.

Question: 5

What is a recursive procedure?

A procedure in which each step makes use of the results of the earlier steps, generally by invoking execution of some part of itself.

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