Database Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced - 2

Question: 6

What is a Flat-File database?

A database file that consists of a single data table is a Flat- file database.

It can be quite useful for certain single user or small-group situations, especially for maintaining lists such as address lists or inventories.

Question: 7

What is a Primary key?

A primary key is a key that uniquely identifies a record in a database table. Eg., Emp. No’s a primary key that uniquely identifies an employee  record.

Question: 8

What is a key in a Relational database?

In a relational database, a primary key can consists of one or more fields. It uniquely identifies a record in a database table.

Question: 9

What is meant by Filtering?

  • There are times when viewing the entire table is unwidely. Using a filter is a way of limiting the information that appears on screen.
  • Filters are a feature for displaying and browsing a selected list or subset of records from a table.
  • The visible records satisfy the condition that the user sets. Those that do not satisfy the condition are hidden.

Question: 10

What is meant by Sorting?

Sorting is a process of arranging the data in a table in some order.

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