1000+ Working Principle of Digital Logic Questions and Answers Pdf - 1
Question: 1
List the fundamental logical gates?
There are three fundamental logic gates namely AND, OR and not. Also we have other logic gates like NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR. Out of these NAND and NOR gates are called the universal gates, because the fundamental logic gates can be realized through them.
Question: 2
What are the basics of flip-flop?
A flip-flop circuit can be constructed using either two NOR gates or two NAND gates.
A common example of a circuit employing sequential logic is the flip-flop, also called a bi-stable gate.
A simple flip-flop has two stable states. The flip-flop maintains its states indefinitely until an input pulse called a trigger is received. If a trigger is received the flip-flop outputs change their states according to defined rules, and remain in the states until another trigger is received.
Question: 3
What is electronic workbench?
Electronic workbench is a simulation tool for electronic circuits. It allows to design and analyze circuits without using actual instruments. The workbench’s click and drag operation make editing a circuit fast and easy. It is a windows compatible tool and follows the normal conventions of windows.
Question: 4
What is a half adder?
A unit that adds two binary digits is called a half adder.
A half adder sums two binary digits to give a sum and a carry. This simple addition consists of four possible operations.
0 + 0 = 0
0 + 1 = 1
1 + 0 = 1
1 + 1 = 10
Question: 5
What is a combinational circuit?
If the logic circuit outputs are based on the inputs presented at that time, then they are called combinational circuit. The half adder and full adder circuits are the examples for the combinational circuits.
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