Top 25+ Advanced WWF Interview Questions & Answers Pdf 2020-21 - 2

Question: 6

What is a host process?

A host process is an executable program that hosts a workflow.

It may be a Windows Forms application, a Web application, or a Web service application.

You can use Web services in the host process or remoting to enable other applications to communicate with the workflow.

Question: 7

What is a base activity library?

The base activity library is a collection of activities used to create workflows.

Question: 8

Write the steps that are involved in the sequential workflow, by defaults?

By default, a sequential workflow has only two steps:



Question: 9

How can you implement a condition in a workflow?

You can implement a condition by using either of the following ways.

By creating a rule condition – Specifies that you can implement conditions either directly in code or by using a tool, called the Rule Condition Editor. Rule conditions are stored in a separate Extensible Markup Language (XML) file. When a rule condition occurs in a workflow, the expression in a condition is evaluated and a Boolean value is returned.

By creating a code condition – Refers to defining a condition directly in code. A code condition can be created by writing a method in the code. The method contains code for the condition and returns a Boolean value.

Question: 10

What is the function of the Rule Condition Editor Dialog box in WF?

You can create and modify declarative rule conditions by using the Rule Condition Editor Dialog box.

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