1000+ Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers for CAT Exams - 1

Question: 1

Each one of the following questions contains three items. Using the relationship between these items, match each question with the most suitable diagram.
Whales, Fishes, Crocodiles

(A) .

(B) .

(C) .

(D) .

Ans: A

Whales, Fishes and Crocodiles are all separate items, entirely different from each other.
So, they would be represented by three disjoint circles.

Question: 2

In each of the following questions, choose the Venn diagram which best illustrates the relationship among three given items?
Sun, Moon, Stars

(A) .

(B) .

(C) .

(D) .

Ans: C

Sun is a star. Moon is entirely different from the two.

Question: 3

Each one of the following questions contains three items. Using the relationship between these items, match each question with the most suitable diagram.
Thieves, Lawyers, Criminals

(A) .

(B) .

(C) .

(D) .

Ans: D

All thieves are criminals. But, lawyers are entirely different.

Question: 4

In each of the following questions, find out which of the alternatives (a), (b), (c), or (d) indicates the correct relationship between the three given words?
Elected house, M.P., M.L.A.

(A) .

(B) .

(C) .

(D) .

Ans: B

Clearly, no M.P. can be M.L.A. Also, all M.P.s and M.L.A.s belong to the elected house.

Question: 5

Choose the Venn diagram which best illustrates the three given classes in each question.
Citizens, Educated, Men

(A) Indicates that one class is completely contained in the other but not the third.

(B) Indicates that two classes are completely contained in the third.

(C) Indicates that neither class is completely contained in the other but the two have common members, forming one entity.

(D) Indicates that two classes are interrelated and third one is not.

Ans: C

Some educated are citizens. Some citizens are educated. But, both educated and citizens are men.

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