1000+ Verbal Reasoning Questions with Answers for Bank Exams - 1

Question: 1

In each of the following letter series, some of the letters are missing, which are given in that order as one of the alternatives below it. Choose the correct alternative.
- aba - cbac - dcba - bab - a

(A) cbdaa

(B) abcdd

(C) cbadc

(D) abdca

Ans: D

Aababcabcd/dcbacbabaa. Letters of the series are written in reverse order in the second half. In other words, first and last, second and second last, third and last but three letters are same.

Question: 2

In each of the following letter series, some of the letters are missing, which are given in that order as one of the alternatives below it. Choose the correct alternative.
a - abbb - cccd - ddccc - bb - ba

(A) abdcb

(B) abcad

(C) abdbc

(D) abcda

Ans: A

The pattern of the series is aaa/bbbb/cccc/dddd/cccc/bbbb/a.

Question: 3

In each of the following letter series, some of the letters are missing, which are given in that order as one of the alternatives below it. Choose the correct alternative.
adb - ac - da - cddcb - dbc - cbda

(A) bbcad

(B) ccbba

(C) cbbaa

(D) bccba

Ans: C

The pattern of the series is adbcacbdabcd/bcbadcacbda. Letters of the series are written in reverse order in the second half.

Question: 4

In each of the following letter series, some of the letters are missing, which are given in that order as one of the alternatives below it. Choose the correct alternative.
- bcdbc - dcabd - bcdbc- dc-bd

(A) ddddd

(B) bbbbb

(C) ccccc

(D) aaaaa

Ans: D

The pattern of the series is abcd/bcad/cabd/abcd/bcad/….. Second and third letters of each previous block becomes first and second letters of the successive block.

Question: 5

In each of these series, some letters are missing. Select the correct alternative. If more than five letters are missing. Select the last five letters of the series.
abxyzbx - zyx - - y - - - - - -

(A) abxyz

(B) abzyx

(C) baxyz

(D) abxzy

Ans: D

abxyz/bxazy/xabyz/abxzy. The block of first five letters is repeated. In each repetition, the first letter is taken to the third place and positions of fourth and fifth letters are interchanged.

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