100+ Series Completion Verbal Reasoning Questions & Answers - 2

Question: 6

134, 245, 356, 467, (.....)

(A) 478

(B) 568

(C) 578

(D) 579

Ans: C

Each tern is obtained by adding 111 to the preceding term.
Missing number = 467 + 111 = 578.

Question: 7

165, 195, 255, 285, 345, (....)

(A) 375

(B) 390

(C) 420

(D) 435

Ans: D

Each number is 15 multiplied by a prime number i.e. 15 x 11, 15 x 13, 15 x 17, 15 x 19, 15 x 23.
Missing term = 15 x 29 = 435.

Question: 8

0.5, 1.5, 4.5, 13.5, (.....)

(A) 30.5

(B) 39.5

(C) 40.5

(D) 49.5

Ans: C

Each term of the series is obtained by multiplying the preceding term by 3.
Missing number = 13.5 x 3 = 40.5.

Question: 9

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, (….), 17

(A) 15

(B) 14

(C) 13

(D) 12

Ans: C

Clearly, the given series consists of prime numbers starting from 2.
The prime number after 11 is 13.
So, 13 is the missing number.

Question: 10

4, 32, 128, (......)

(A) 256

(B) 192

(C) 144

(D) 128

Ans: A

The pattern is x8, x4, ....
Missing term = 128 x 2 = 256.

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