Atmosphere Class 9 Questions and Answers Pdf - 1
Question: 1
Hurricanes are cyclonic storms in the ____
(A) Indian Ocean
(B) Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Ocean
(C) West Pacific Ocean
(D) South China sea
Ans: B
Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Ocean
Question: 2
Humidity of the atmosphere is measured by ______
(A) Anemometer
(B) Windvane
(C) Thermometer
(D) Hygrometer
Ans: D
Question: 3
The weight of water vapour per unit weight of air is _____
(A) Absolute humidity
(B) Specific gravity
(C) Relative humidity
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
Specific gravity
Question: 4
Which of the following occurs more frequently than the other three in the Indian ocean
(A) Cyclones
(B) Hurricanes
(C) Tornado
(D) Typhoons
Ans: A
Question: 5
The wind blows from land to sea during the night, this is called as
(A) Mountain breeze
(B) Valley breeze
(C) Land breeze
(D) Sea breeze
Ans: C
Land breeze
Question: 6
Atmosphere is divided into two main vertical regions the upper portion is Heterosphere and the lower is
(A) Homosphere
(B) Mesosphere
(C) Troposphere
(D) None of these
Ans: A
Question: 7
Increase in carbon dioxide in atmosphere causes _____
(A) Increase in ultra violet rays
(B) Uniform earth's temperature
(C) Fall in earth's temperature
(D) Rise in earth's temperature
Ans: D
Rise in earth's temperature
Question: 8
_____ clouds are called Sheep clouds.
(A) Alto-Stratus
(B) Alto-cumulus
(C) Nimbo-Stratus
(D) Cirro-stratus
Ans: B
Question: 9
The _____ is the chief energy source of the Earth.
(A) Clouds
(B) Stars
(C) Moon
(D) Sun
Ans: D
Question: 10
Dew in the form of ice crystals is called _____
(A) Sleet
(B) Mist
(C) Fog
(D) Frost
Ans: D
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