Samacheer Kalvi 10th Science Guide Thermal Physics Questions - 1

Question: 1

If the atoms or molecules of a gas do not interact with each other, then the gas is said to be an

(A) Pure gas

(B) Imperfect gas

(C) Ideal gas

(D) Inert gas

Ans: C

Ideal gas

Question: 2

The value of universal gas constant

(A) 1.38 Jmol-1 K-1

(B) 3.81 Jmol-1 K-1

(C) 8.31 Jmol-1 K-1

(D) 8.03 Jmol-1 K-1

Ans: C

8.31 Jmol-1 K-1

Question: 3

Variation in dimensions of any object due to rise in temperature is called as

(A) Evaporation

(B) Thermal convection

(C) Thermal variation

(D) Thermal expansion

Ans: D

Thermal expansion

Question: 4

If a substance is heated or cooled, the change in mass of that substance is

(A) Positive

(B) Negative

(C) Zero

(D) None of the above

Ans: C


Question: 5

Temperature is the average _____ of the molecules of a substance.

(A) Difference in T.E. and P.E.

(B) Difference in K.E. and T.E.

(C) Difference in K.E. and P.E.

(D) Sum of P.E. and K.E.

Ans: A

Difference in T.E. and P.E.

Question: 6

If a substance is heated or cooled, the linear expansion occurs along the axis of

(A) X or – X

(B) Y or – Y

(C) Both a and b

(D) All of these

Ans: C

Both a and b

Question: 7

Absolute scale is also called as

(A) Fahrenheit scale

(B) Centigrade scale

(C) Celsius scale

(D) Kelvin scale

Ans: D

Kelvin scale

Question: 8

At constant temperature volume is inversely proportional to pressure of a gas is known as

(A) Avogadro’s law

(B) Boyle’s law

(C) Charle's law

(D) None of these

Ans: B

Boyle’s law

Question: 9

SI unit of heat is

(A) Kelvin

(B) Kilo calorie

(C) Calorie

(D) Joule

Ans: D


Question: 10

Temperature is a property which determining

(A) Amount of heat a body contains

(B) Thermal energy

(C) Total absolute energy a body has

(D) Direction of flow of heat

Ans: D

Direction of flow of heat