Computer Ethics and Cyber Security Questions for Class 11 - 1

Question: 1

The process of converting cipher text to plain text is called

(A) Proxy server

(B) Key

(C) Encryption

(D) Decryption

Ans: D


Question: 2

Legal recognition for transactions are carried out by

(A) Electronic Data Exchange

(B) Electronic Data Interchange

(C) Electronic Data Transfer

(D) Electrical Data Interchange

Ans: B

Electronic Data Interchange

Question: 3

Which of the following deals with procedures, practices and values?

(A) Computer ethics

(B) Virus

(C) Piracy

(D) Programs

Ans: A

Computer ethics

Question: 4

Distributing unwanted e-mail to others is called

(A) Spam

(B) Spoofing

(C) Scam

(D) Fraud

Ans: A


Question: 5

e-commerce means

(A) Electronic commercialization

(B) Electric data exchange

(C) Electronic data exchange

(D) Electronic commerce

Ans: D

Electronic commerce

Question: 6

Which of the following is not a malicious program on computer systems?

(A) Cookies

(B) Spyware

(C) Worms

(D) Trojans

Ans: A


Question: 7

Which one of the following are self-repeating and do not require a computer program to attach themselves?

(A) Worms

(B) Spyware

(C) Cirases

(D) Trojans

Ans: A


Question: 8

A computer network security that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing traffic is

(A) Firewall

(B) Worms

(C) Virus

(D) Cookies

Ans: A


Question: 9

Which one of the following tracks a user visits a website?

(A) Trojans

(B) Worms

(C) Cookies

(D) Spyware

Ans: C


Question: 10

Commercial programs made available to the public illegally are known as

(A) Warez

(B) Software

(C) Free software

(D) Freeware

Ans: A
