Samacheeer Kalvi 12th Computer Science Data Visualization Questions - 1
Question: 1
Which method is used to display the plot?
(A) show()
(B) print()
(C) disp()
(D) display()
Ans: A
Question: 2
Data visualization uses _____ graphics.
(A) 2D
(B) 3D
(C) Image
(D) Statistical
Ans: D
Question: 3
_____ plot displays the distribution of data based on the five-number summary.
(A) Box plot
(B) Chart plot
(C) Scatter plot
(D) Line plot
Ans: A
Box plot
Question: 4
Various types of visualizations are available in
(A) matplotlib
(B) library
(C) graphics
(D) stdlib
Ans: A
Question: 5
______ assign values to the labels specified in the bar chart.
(A) =
(B) usage
(C) label
(D) values
Ans: B
Question: 6
Which is a python package used for 2D graphics?
(A) matplotlib.plt
(B) matplotlib.numpy
(C) matplotlib.pip
(D) matplotlib.pyplot
Ans: D
Question: 8
The position of a point in scatter plot is _____ value
(A) 1D
(B) 2D
(C) 3D
(D) U shaped
Ans: B
Question: 9
Read the statements given below. Identify the right option from the following for pie chart.
Statement A: To make a pie chart with Matplotlib, we can use the plt.pie( ) function.
Statement B: The autopct parameter allows us to display the percentage value using the Python string formatting.
(A) Statement A is correct
(B) Statement B is correct
(C) Both the statements are correct
(D) Both the statements are wrong
Ans: C
Both the statements are correct
Question: 10
Identify the package manager for Python packages, or modules.
(B) Matplotlib
(C) )
(D) python package
Ans: A
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