Samacheer Kalvi Class 7 Basics of Classification Questions - 1

Question: 1

The binomial name of pigeon is

(A) Columbo livia

(B) Mangifera indica

(C) Rattus rattus

(D) Homo sapiens

Ans: A

Columbo livia or Columbidae

Question: 2

Who proposed the five kingdom of classification?

(A) Whitakar

(B) Plato

(C) Aristotle

(D) Linnaeus

Ans: A


Question: 3

Approximately species of living organisms found in the earth.

(A) 8.5 million

(B) 8.6 million

(C) 8.7 million

(D) 8.8 million

Ans: C

8.7 million

Question: 4

The largest division of the living world is

(A) Kingdom

(B) Family

(C) Phylum

(D) Order

Ans: A


Question: 5

The following characteristics are essential for classification.

(A) Differences

(B) Similarities

(C) Both of them

(D) None of them

Ans: C

Both of them