Samacheer Kalvi 8th Economics Public and Private Sector Questions - 1
Question: 1
Public sector is on ______ motive.
(A) Speculative motive
(B) Service motive
(C) Profit motive
(D) None of these
Ans: B
Service motive
Question: 2
______ is governed by a company law and controlled by the Government as principal major share holders.
(A) Joint sector
(B) Public sector
(C) Private sector
(D) None of these
Ans: A
Joint sector
Question: 3
The public sector in India owes its origin in the _____ industrial policy resolution of the Government of India.
(A) 1956
(B) 1957
(C) 1958
(D) 1959
Ans: A
Question: 4
Mixed economy is the mixture of _____
(A) Capitalism
(B) Socialism
(C) A and B are correct
(D) A are correct
Ans: C
A and B are correct
Question: 5
India's five year plan emphasized the development of public sector enterprises.
(A) First
(B) Second
(C) Third
(D) Fourth
Ans: B
Question: 6
The Industrial act was enacted in
(A) 1948
(B) 1949
(C) 1950
(D) 1951
Ans: D
Question: 7
What is the full form of GDP?
(A) Gross Domestic Product
(B) Gross Domestic Project
(C) Gross Development Product
(D) Grain Domestic Product
Ans: A
Gross Domestic Product
Question: 8
The largest public sector employer in India is
(A) ICICI bank
(B) Wipro Limited
(C) Infosys
(D) Indian Railways
Ans: D
Indian Railways
Question: 9
The activities of providing government goods and services to the general public is known as
(A) Private sector
(B) Public sector
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these
Ans: B
Public sector
Question: 10
Example for export promotion earning industry is
(A) The State of Trading corporation
(C) Indian Oil Corporation Ltd
(D) None of these
Ans: A
The State of Trading corporation
Question: 11
_____ supports in developing socio-Economic Development.
(D) None of these
Ans: B
Question: 12
The city which provides the city with many facilities like hospitals, schools and facilities are called
(A) Smart city
(B) White city
(C) Clean city
(D) None of these
Ans: A
Smart city
Question: 13
_____ is an example for the public sector which serves as a consultancy.
(B) Hotel
(C) Railways
Ans: D
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