Exogenetic Processes Class 9 Questions and Answers Pdf - 1

Question: 1

Karst topography is formed due to the action of

(A) Ground water

(B) Sea waves

(C) Wind

(D) Glacier

Ans: A

Ground water

Question: 2

What type of erosion produces rounded valleys?

(A) Glacial

(B) Wave

(C) Wind

(D) River

Ans: A


Question: 3

Sink holes and caves are created when limestone formations are dissolved by

(A) Weak Sulphuric acid from animal remains

(B) Strong hypochlorite from acid rain

(C) Strong hydrochloric acid from Mine run off

(D) Weak carbonic acid contained in ground

Ans: D

Weak carbonic acid contained in ground

Question: 4

Mixing of water with the atmospheric carbon dioxide is known as ______

(A) Oxidation

(B) Solution

(C) Exfoliation

(D) Carbonation

Ans:: D


Question: 5

Stalactites and stalagmites meet together to form _____

(A) Arete

(B) Matterhorn

(C) Cirque

(D) Columns

Ans: D


Question: 6

Where the rivers meet the sea _____ is formed.

(A) Alluvial soil

(B) Estuary

(C) Flood plains

(D) Delta

Ans: B


Question: 7

Deposits of fine slit blown by wind is called as ______

(A) Ripples

(B) Hamada

(C) Barchans

(D) Loess

Ans: D
