Media and Democracy Questions and Answers Pdf - 1
Question: 1
______ media has been referred to as people’s university.
(A) Print media
(B) Social media
(C) Web media
(D) Broadcast media
Ans: A
Print media
Question: 2
The backbone of Democracy.
(A) Minerals
(B) Transport
(C) Resources
(D) Media
Ans: D
Question: 3
Television belongs to which media?
(A) Print
(B) Social
(C) Narrowcast
(D) Broadcast
Ans: D
Question: 4
Printing Press was invented in the year
(A) 1400
(B) 1450
(C) 1453
(D) 1461
Ans: C
Question: 5
Instagram belonged to which media?
(A) Social
(B) Broadcast
(C) Narrowcast
(D) Print
Ans: A
Question: 6
Which one of the following comes under print media?
(A) Newspaper
(B) Internet
(C) Radio
(D) Television
Ans: A
Question: 7
Which is mass media?
(A) Radio
(B) Television
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these
Ans: C
Both A and B
Question: 8
Why is it necessary for media to be independent?
(A) To write balanced report
(B) To earn money
(C) To encourage company
(D) None of these
Ans: A
To write balanced report
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