Migration and Urbanisation Class 8 Questions and Answers Pdf - 1
Question: 1
Migration that occurs the national boundaries are known as ______
(A) Involuntary migration
(B) Voluntary migration
(C) International migration
(D) Internal migration
Ans: C
International migration
Question: 2
In the ancient period the migration was mainly for ______
(A) Health
(B) Place
(C) Food
(D) Environment
Ans: C
Question: 3
The movement of an individual or group to the new country is termed as ______
(A) Migration
(B) Destination
(C) Emigrant
(D) Immigrant
Ans: B
Question: 4
_____ is the World's Highest Population city.
(A) Tokyo (Japan)
(B) Delhi (India)
(C) Shangai (China)
(D) Masco (Russia)
Ans: A
Tokyo (Japan)
Question: 5
The industrial revolution in the century accelerated the growth of towns and cities.
(A) 17th
(B) 18th
(C) 19th
(D) 20th
Ans: C
Question: 6
Migration is more in _____ region of the world population.
(A) Africa
(B) Australia
(C) Asia
(D) Japan
Ans: C
Question: 7
During the beginning of the _____ itself many cities were found near the Aegean sea.
(A) 6th century
(B) 7th century
(C) 8th century
(D) 9th century
Ans: B
7th century
Question: 8
In 2017, ______ was the largest country of origin of international migrants.
(A) Asia
(B) America
(C) Delhi
(D) India
Ans: D
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