NEET Classical Genetics Questions and Answers Pdf - 1

Question: 1

How many characters studied by Mendel in pisum sativum

(A) Three

(B) Five

(C) Seven

(D) Eight

Ans: C


Question: 2

According to Mendel which character shown dominance

(A) Inflated pod

(B) Wrinkled seeds

(C) Yellow cotyledon color

(D) Yellow flower color

Ans: A

Inflated pod

Question: 3

Factor hypothesis was proposed by _______

(A) W. Bateson

(B) Reginald Punnett

(C) Carl Correns

(D) Gregor Mende

Ans: A

W. Bateson

Question: 4

Gene which suppresses other genes activity but does not lie on the same locus is called as ______

(A) Codominant

(B) Hypostatic

(C) Supplement only

(D) Epistatic

Ans: B


Question: 5

An allele is ________

(A) Alternate forms of a gene

(B) Another word for a gene

(C) Morphological expression of a gene

(D) Genetic

Ans: A

Alternate forms of a gene

Question: 6

Extra nuclear inheritance is a consequence of presence of genes in

(A) Lysosomes and ribosomes

(B) Ribosomes and chloroplast

(C) Endoplasmic reticulum and mitrochondria

(D) Mitrochondria and chloroplasts

Ans: D

Mitrochondria and chloroplasts

Question: 7

The genotype of a plant showing the dominant phenotype can be determined by

(A) Test cross

(B) Back cross

(C) Dihybrid cross

(D) Pedigree analysis

Ans: A

Test cross