Operating System Questions and Answers Pdf - 1
Question: 1
_______ is a mobile Operating System created and developed by Apple Inc.
(A) Android
(B) Unix
(C) iOS
(D) None of these
Ans: C
Question: 2
_______ is a Windows-alternative open-source operating system.
(A) ReactOS
(B) RearOS
(C) ReachOS
(D) None of these
Ans: A
Question: 3
Unix and the C programming language were developed by
(A) AT&T Bell Labs
(B) Intel
(C) Borland International
(D) None of these
Ans: A
AT&T Bell Labs
Question: 4
______ OS can be modified and distributed by anyone around the world.
(B) Windows
(C) Linux
(D) None of these
Ans: C
Question: 5
_______ is used to access shared data and files that reside in any machine around the world.
(A) Distributed OS
(B) Singe user OS
(C) Multi-user OS
(D) None of these
Ans: A
Distributed OS
Question: 6
_______ has two or more processors for a single running process.
(A) Mega processing
(B) Micro processing
(C) Mixed-processing
(D) Multi-processing
Ans: D
Question: 7
FAT stands for _____
(A) File Allocation Table
(B) Fixed Allocation Table
(C) File Allocation Task
(D) File Authentication Table
Ans: A
File Allocation Table
Question: 8
The Operating System is responsible for the _______ activity.
(A) Providing mechanisms for process synchronization
(B) Scheduling processes and threads on the CPUs
(C) Suspending and resuming processes
(D) All the above
Ans: D
All the above
Question: 9
A word-processor program being run by an individual user on a computer is a ______
(A) Process
(B) Operation
(C) Task
(D) None of these
Ans: A
Question: 10
GUI means ______
(A) Graphical User Interface
(B) Graph User Interface
(C) Good User Interface
(D) Graphical User Interlink
Ans: A
Graphical User Interface
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