PHP Function and Array MCQ Questions & Answers Pdf - 1

Question: 1

The arguments are separated by

(A) .

(B) ,

(C) :

(D) ;

Ans: B


Question: 2

Which is used to store more than one value in a single variable of same data type?

(A) Class

(B) Array

(C) Functions

(D) Object

Ans: B


Question: 3

How many types of arrays are there?

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

Ans: C


Question: 4

______ arrays are a key value pair data structure.

(A) Associative

(B) Indexed

(C) Numeric

(D) Multidimensional

Ans: A


Question: 5

In PHP ______ are Information hiding.

(A) Variables

(B) Functions

(C) Keywords

(D) Datatypes

Ans: B


Question: 6

The arguments have to be enclosed within

(A) []

(B) ()

(C) {}

(D) <>

Ans: B


Question: 7

How many classification of functions are there?

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 5

Ans: B


Question: 8

PHP's numerically indexed array begin with position

(A) Zero

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) -1

Ans: A


Question: 9

PHP has over ______ built in functions.

(A) 200

(B) 500

(C) 600

(D) 700

Ans: D


Question: 10

A function in PHP which starts with (double underscore) is known as

(A) User Defined Function

(B) Default Function

(C) Inbuilt Function

(D) Magic Function

Ans: D

Magic Function