Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Kingdom Animalia Questions - 1
Question: 1
Metameric segmentation is the main feature of
(A) Arthropoda
(B) Annelida
(C) Coelenterata
(D) Echinodermata
Ans: B
Question: 2
Lateral line sense organs occur in
(A) Fish
(B) Frog
(C) Salamander
(D) Water snake
Ans: A
Question: 3
Which of the following animals has a true coelom?
(A) Ascaris
(B) Sycon
(C) Taenia solium
(D) Pheretima
Ans: D
Question: 4
Which of the following have the highest number of species in nature?
(A) Fungi
(B) Angiosperms
(C) Birds
(D) Insects
Ans: D
Question: 5
Tube feet are the locomotory organs of
(A) Arthropoda
(B) Mollusca
(C) Platyhelminthes
(D) Echinodermata
Ans: D
Question: 6
Peripatus is known as a connecting link, because it has the characters of both
(A) Arthropoda and annelids
(B) Aves and fishes
(C) Reptiles and birds
(D) Fishes and amphibians
Ans: A
Arthropoda and annelids
Question: 7
Malpighian tubules are _____
(A) Endocrine glands of insects
(B) Respiratory organs of insects
(C) Excretory organs of frog
(D) Excretory organs of insects
Ans: D
Excretory organs of insects
Question: 8
The muscles associated with the heart of insects are _____
(A) Alary
(B) Striped
(C) Pericardial
(D) Radial
Ans: A
Question: 9
Excretory product of spider is _____
(A) Ammonia
(B) Guanine
(C) Uric acid
(D) None of these
Ans; B
Question: 10
Sea anemone belongs to phylum
(A) Coelenterata
(B) Echinodermata
(C) Protozoa
(D) Porifera
Ans: A
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