Spreadsheet Questions and Answers Pdf - 1

Question: 1

How many direction keys are available to move the cell pointer in the worksheet?

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

Ans: D


Question: 2

Combination of values, operators and cell references is called as

(A) Expression

(B) Data

(C) Operators

(D) Reference

Ans: A


Question: 3

Which menu lists inbuilt help features available with OpenOffice?

(A) Help

(B) View

(C) Insert

(D) Tools

Ans: A


Question: 4

Which feature can be used to create formulas to complex calculation?

(A) Function

(B) Autosum

(C) Charts

(D) Wizard

Ans: A


Question: 5

Which button is used to move the screen the relative distance?

(A) Scroll buttons

(B) Vertical scroll bar

(C) Horizontal scroll bar

(D) None of the above

Ans: A

Scroll buttons

Question: 6

A rectangle element which can be moved around the worksheet

(A) Active cell

(B) Cell pointer

(C) Cell address

(D) Cell

Ans: B

Cell pointer

Question: 7

At the bottom of the sheet tabs and horizontal scrolling bar is called

(A) Status bar

(B) Scroll bar

(C) Formula bar

(D) Standard bar

Ans: A

Status bar

Question: 8

Which is the Intersection Operator using OpenOffice calc?

(A) ,

(B) \

(C) ~

(D) !

Ans: D


Question: 9

How many types are there to inserting functions into worksheet?

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

Ans: B


Question: 10

Which feature help you to add the contents of a cluster of adjacent cells?

(A) Autosum

(B) Autofill

(C) Function

(D) Chart

Ans: A
