Class 8 Exploring Continents Africa, Australia, Antarctica - 1

Question: 1

_____ flows through West Central Africa and drains into the Atlantic Ocean.

(A) River

(B) River Niger

(C) River Nile

(D) River Congo

Ans: D

River Congo

Question: 2

Lake is the largest freshwater body in Africa.

(A) Albert

(B) Kiva

(C) Supervisor

(D) Victoria

Ans: D


Question: 3

Jasmania is also known as _____

(A) Artesion Basin

(B) Apple Island

(C) Bourke

(D) Sydney

Ans: B

Apple Island

Question: 4

_____ is one of the largest hot deserts in the world.

(A) Great Rift Valley

(B) Savanna

(C) Sahel

(D) Sahara

Ans: D


Question: 5

Tropical rain forest is called the _____

(A) Tropical deserts

(B) Rift valley

(C) Mother continent

(D) Jewel of the earth

Ans: D

Jewel of the earth

Question: 6

_____ is nicknamed the mother continent.

(A) Australia

(B) Africa

(C) South Africa

(D) None of these

Ans: B


Question: 7

The Maghreb means west in language.

(A) Arabic

(B) Sanskrit

(C) Greek

(D) None of these

Ans: A


Question: 8

Mount an extinct volcano in chad is the highest point in the Sahara

(A) Atlas

(B) Everest

(C) Kilimanjaro

(D) Koussi

Ans: D


Question: 9

The Tropic of Capricorn cuts the continent almost into equal halves.

(A) Two

(B) Three

(C) Four

(D) Five

Ans: A


Question: 10

_____ was discovered by Captain James Cook in 1770.

(A) Antarctica

(B) Africa

(C) Australia

(D) Canberra

Ans: C
